Amnesya Hints – Level 21-40

ATTENTION: In this post, you may read hints that aren’t suitable for ambitious Amnesya players. If you don’t want to learn how to solve the levels, please DO NOT read the entire post.
A year ago, we have published hints and solutions of Amnesya which is an online riddle game. Amnesya’s popularity grew rapidly since that post. Today, you can read that sentence on Amnesya home page: “3 million tried to solve the puzzle, 0 managed”. Except the encouraging “0 managed” part, we can see the high number of players: 3 million. And it increases every day! But, sadly, there isn’t any website writing hints for all levels and listing them. Of course there are some websites and forums which have useful information about the levels but they are not summed up and not listed. So it is really hard to solve a level which you stuck.
First post revealed that people love and need that kind of hint pages, so we continue from where we left, the 21st level.
Preparing such a hint page is a tough work: Trying to solve the levels and taking notes for important points, listing and -for that English version of the post- translating are all hard parts. Furthermore, second 20 levels of Amnesya were much harder to solve than the first 20 levels. A year of delay can be taken normally because of these excuses.
For some levels, we only wrote the answers.
If you have something to say, we really love to read. Just use the comment form below the post. Thanks all the folks who have assisted us.
Amnesya Hints (Level 21-40)
LEVEL 21 – My real name is…
First Hint: It each grow, count the branches. You will get a special number sequence. What is the name of this sequence?
Second hint: Did you read Da Vinci Code?
LEVEL 22 – Chess Game
First Hint: Do you remember what we did to solve the 9th level? Search for the blinking squares’ coordinates on the ASCII table.
Second hint: d6, f6…
LEVEL 23- The temple of knowledge
First Hint: The numbers written on the top left of the page are coordinates on the world.
Second hint: The coordinate on the top is N, and the coordinate on the bottom is W. You can learn which place is on that coordinate, using Google Earth.
LEVEL 24- Dices
First Hint: Black dots on dices resembling a meaning in a sign language method.
Second hint: It’s a mirror image of letters. Braille alphabet is a method that is widely used by blind people to read and write and uses a 6 dot cell. Is it familiar?
LEVEL 25- Very Weird Place
That level has some different stages and it is a Flash file, so we won’t give hints for that level. If you are tired of trying, there is the answer: summersweat.
LEVEL 26- The Code of life
“The code of life” is the level’s name. And you can read “chemical lesson” on the title bar. Check for the bases found in DNA.
LEVEL 27- Some more coffee?
First Hint: Answer is in the writing. If you read the writing carefully, you can easily solve that level.
Second hint: OK. Read the odd lines. First line, third line…
LEVEL 28- Ready?
First Hint: A few pages with different titles will open in a row. Note the letters which appears as titles. This letters refer to directions. W: West etc.
Second hint: Take a chequered notebook (so you can draw straight) and a pencil. Then start drawing like that: One chequer left for each W, one chequer right for each E… etc.
LEVEL 29 – Some Colors
First hint: Although we are in level 29, number 22 appears as the title. It means we should remember the chess board in the 22nd level. And in the URL of the page it says “some colors”.
Second hint: Find out the RGB values of the squares and search ASCII table for these values. The answer is composed of two words.
LEVEL 30- For Elise
First hint: The music which plays in the background is Beethoven’s Für Elise (For Elise). If you try germany.htm because of that relation, you will find a Flash which says “you can do better than that”. Go back to level’s page. The signs of that level have some meaning in sign language.
Second hint: Find the sobriquet according to the signs. But it is not the answer. Find and type the name of the owner of this sobriquet. If you write the sobriquet, it will say that you win. Even so you won’t be able save your name to the list and then you will go a wrong page and play 2 levels. After that, you will be told that you were condemned and you should turn back to level 30.
Almost everybody make this mistake. You don’t…
Have your password and go on.
LEVEL 31- Weird Encounters
If you are in a level which has “Something wrong is sometimes right!” sentence on it, read the 2nd clue of level 30!
First hint: Don’t care the man’s says. Pay attention on the voice in the background.
Second hint: Read the horn sounds with Mors alphabet. Writing is sweet .
LEVEL 32- Strange Dream
First hint: The city names which are written on the source page are important. You must think a value that is different for each cities.
İkinci İpucu: Find all GMT values of each cities. Change the values to the letters of alphabet.
Third Hint: Start from zero to count the letters: 0=A
LEVEL 33- Amnesya HQ
First hint: In the source code it says you have to calculate the space. Calculate it by pixels, not by the square count. Keep using this method until you see the “It was a lie” picture.
İkinci İpucu: In this picture change the Brightness ve Contrast settings. You’ll find the password in the southeast of the picture.
LEVEL 34 – Key Lab
First hint: In the source page, how many lines are there between start and end of Amnesya codes? 10? The First value of wheel can be changed until 10. Is this a pattern?
Second hint: Count every characters on the lines and use them for each wheel correctly.
LEVEL 35 – Travel thought time again
First hint: After big bombings, researchers check the clocks inside the affacted area to learn the time when the bomb exploded. Because the clocks inside the affacted area run down after the explosion immediately. There are two clocks. One of them was stopped sooner than the other. Search the times that clocks show on Google.
Second hint: There is a relation with the atomic bombs dropped to Japan. You must write the days of the droppings.
LEVEL 36 – I feel out of phase
LEVEL 37 – Have a look at my ex!
Click here to pass to level 38.
LEVEL 38 – Graph
First hint: Change the brightness & contrast settings until you see the coordinants. There is an origin in the source page.
Second hint: You don’t have to draw a chart. Find the letters by using the origin and the coordinates.
LEVEL 39 – Amnesya Water System
First hint: Find the paper on the road. Look at the ‘A’ of Amnesya.
Second hint: Follow the order written on the paper by changing the settings in the control room and looking at the wheel. A four-letter-word will appear.
LEVEL 40 – Amnesya Desert Island
First hint: Collect the pieces of paper. Download a file from the place which has a big window and another from the place which has cob tiles.
Second hint: You need three words to get out.
That’s it. Don’t forget to save your name to the list.
You can go on. We shall rest for a while .
Hey are you planning to put hints for 41 – 60? Awesome job so far for all your hints.
Thanks. Yeah we are planning, but we are not sure about when we’ll prepare.
I need some help on 33rd. I just don’t understand which pixels i have to count, cause I have tried caunting them all the ways I can think about.
I am so stuck at level 40. I have opened up the text from the big window place and the text from the cob tile place. I have also solved a puzzle from the pieces of paper. I can’t seem to get a word out of them (unless it’s a number, I have it)! Help!
I need help for level 39,I just can’t decode the message >
I also need help for level 40 🙁
Ok. Where did you stuck?
Help me at level 21 I am stuck
The tree grows. Count the branches when it’s growing. 1 branch, 1 branch, 2 branches, 3 branches, 5 branches… This sequence has a special name in maths. It also mentioned in The Da Vinci Code.
If you read it, you can easily remember. If you didn’t just paste the sequence to Google. It will show you the way.
Im stuck with fake lvl 31 which is something wrong is sometimes right. Help me pls. I get that the where looking for numbers but i dont know how to find it.
I solved it once but I can’t remember how. But when you finish the “fake levels” you will be sent to level 30 again. So solving them is not necessary.
level32 took forever to load itself…lolz….
regarding level31…if it says “something wrong is sometimes right”, you’re on the wrong level….go back to level 30 or decode it the hardway…lolz…..
I am stucked on level 67(Level Stop) Anyone didnt pass it for now. Please be hury and do clues about other levels
stuck on 23 can somebody help me? i have found the coordinates using google earth. but there is no description on it.. any more clues? and what will i do wit got.comeletargo
Im stuck at 38…
where is the hint for level 36!!!
Level 39 is impossible. Found the paper, went to control room and played with the settings so that difference is 79, but still can’t see 4 letters word on the wheel cog. And when I come back to the control room, most of the time the difference has changed. Are there any more tricks to this?
Look at the wheel carefully. Word will appear letter by letter. Just like that:
Of course our word is not “shot”.
Thanks, I will try again. Your hints collection are absolutely top class. Where are the best places to get hints as good as yours for level 41 above?
opereysin, you’re wrong. the word will pop in one line, letter by letter(fast), horizontally, not diagonally
Help at lvl 26 please?
I just don’t see what I should do…
I’m completly lost and already searched about dna bases, etc
Level 23 PLZ
What are coordinates?
is it 43-24-25 or 34-42-52 or what
on the bottom- no clue
Andrew (lvl 23)
yup.. use North and west for directions of two coordinates…
Stuck on level 38.. help please…
I know what to do now but i dont know the coordinates. if some1 could just post the coordinates i could solve that puzzle. the way they are written confuse me. do you read from left to right? what is upside down?
alright. i got by 23 by cheating =[ but i would still like to know the coordinates or the town. now im on 26 and what is it asking for? Dna?
Now its 28. no clue. ppl say to write down stuff but i did that and got like nnneessswsessseennnsssews but what do i do with this??
Andrew, the clue is on the title of the tab and the url itself… there are 4 set of directions to be given for you to know what’s the url to add…
i still need help for lvl 38…
I can´t pass the level 41… I found the complete name of Leon… what’s the pass or the nick…. “shot”?! Why do I need it?!
just tell me the name of the next level and I change the link! :D. Now serious…. what should I do?!
forget that comment about the “shot”… I read wrong
level 41…………..
Hello dears
I have spent a week thinking of level 26 solution, I got no solution. I found bases NOCH and TCGA I even tired to find ascii code for life and find the substances with this molcular # but no way out, pleeeeeeeeeeease help me.
hello!!! I got 41. I’m actually in lvl 61. Alright friend, lvl 26, you need to found a word that is in the base of DNA!
good luck
i need help on level 40. i got the 2 txt files, and downloaded 36 pictures and paste them together and i got the message. and i’ve mapped the “whole place” and i’ve got the word on the clue of writing.txt. i need help on the bricks that were, obviously, added in the arid desert. what will i do with them? and what’s about the wrath of zeus?
do you really want the answer? if you don’t, don’t read the rest
you need to find a city with the coordenates (if you still stuck continue reading)
It’s in Africa (if you still stuck still reading to the final answer)
i have a question about lvl 21
SPoiler ALERT !!!
i know that the branches is the fibonacci sequence i tried putting fibonacci.htm and fibonaccisequence.htm and doesnt work
help plz
nvm about the lvl 21
i dont get lvl 26 =(
level 21: fibonacci I guess xD
26: I’m gonna to say this one more time: A world….3 letters about DNA!! (no, it isn’t DNA!) go to english wikipedia.
hope this help guys 😉
if fibonacci doesn’t work, it should be a temporary error
any one can tell the answer of no 29 the some colours… plsss ^^
hey >>>>> rukadd ……………………………………….Rukadd……………………
can you tell me what the answer of no 29.. coz i’m color blind.. tnxx
“LEVEL 29 – Some Colors
First hint: Although we are in level 29, number 22 appears as the title. It means we should remember the chess board in the 22nd level. And in the URL of the page it says “some colors”.
Second hint: Find out the RGB values of the squares and search ASCII table for these values. The answer is composed of two words.”
well this are good hints I just can help you with another hint:
Find the hex colors and do ASCII with them. Example: 106 => j. Once you done for all 4 colors, click the image and use the top 2 colors as the username, and the bottom 2 as the password.
good luck bro. If you still stuck leave another mensage and I tell you the answer! xD
… thankz … I’ll try if can do… ^_^
what is the real color of that squares?……. BLue , green, grey, & purple?…
I had a good program that could know the name of the colours but I unistall it after I pass the lvl! downloading Photoshop Trial version or Fire works Trial version are good options for free! 😉
that’s is my big problem is i don’t have that software.. i don’t have time to download…. so plsss… can you tell me the anwser….? now i have the idea how to do that .. but i don’t have time.. thanks
plsss .. can you give the answer?….. it took me 1 1/2 day to find the answer…. but tell now i don’t know the answer….
Sorry to take so much time bro.
Here’s your answer: User: action pass: movies
thank you so much…. next time….
stuck again at 33….. I can’t see what it says… T_T help..
hi again. Here’s another hint. C’mon it isn’t so hard:
Get the area of the image. Keep doing this until you see an image saying that it is a lie. In the “lie” image, modify the brightness and the contrast. In the bottom right, you’ll see the answer.
bah it’s bad I know but is hard to hint
i found the lie… but after that…. i don’t see anything word….. except the WC and hydromassage……. i soo tired of looking that word…. if i don’t get this answer… i stop answering this amnesya…. thankz………
btw… thanks a lot rukadd
you need to change the contrast and the brightness until you see it. It must be there.
I still got that answer in the historic if you want
I do the contrast and the brightness settings but really don’t see the word..
what the problem of my eye… lol
lol xD
plsss rukadd….. what should i do?….
can you email the answer so that no others can know… hehehe
but I know u r generous… so you post the answer tnx….
you didn’t find the world in the bottom right? np here’s the answer:
how come it bcome surfboard?…. BTW thankz…. ur my savior lol….
help me please! what’s the answer on lvl 40? just the 3 words please! 🙂
lvl 40… uh that’s hard.
you ask for the words not for hints so here’re they:
elevator – octagon – dictionary
I got things about all the levels in my notepad so it’s easy to search xD
umm, how do i enter it in the text box? 🙂
ah nevermind. i got it. thanks!
u are welcome
this is all iv’e got in level 30.
what is the answer anyway ?
i cant form any names with that letters. someone help me please 😀
what is that word? xD
you need to realise that it’s GERMAN sign languages so decode it with GERMAN sign language
Be warned, this is the fake answer. If you type it in the URL, you’ll be sent to the fake Level 31. To get the real answer, do a research about the found word and you’ll get the name, which is the real answer.
Please help me with 26 pretty pleaaaaase
You have to find the molecular forms of the 3 problems. Google the names of the molecules and get their initials.
Please can you help me?? I’m on level 40.
I have the texts and I draw a map but I don't know how to find a word in the map. About dream.txt I did smaller the window but I can't see anything.
im stuck in lvl 24. can someone help me.?
ok…i need help with level 26.
I know which base is missing…but i have no idea what i’m suppose to write for the htm
please help.
Level 38 the graph? ok…i REALLY don’t understand how to get letters from coordinates. I’m not even sure I have all the coordinates…there is only 6 different coordinates right? Oh…and i also have the origin. but seriously…how are you suppose to get letters from them??
HELP can do level 29
how do i get the RGB of each square ??
Can i get some help? i’m stuck at lvl 22…how exactly do i use the ascii table with those 4 coordinates?
figured it out 20 seconds after the first comment 😀
now i’m stuck at lvl 32..
elevator octagon dictionary doesnt word for me
what is the password and username for level 21-30 in amnesya ?
please tell me guys ! I really need it …
Hi, I’m stuck on level 38 – the graph… I have to co-oridinates but I don’t know what to do with them, what’s the answer please?
View the source code of that web page. You will find an origin.
@victory I must be an idiot, I can’t find the origin… *facepalm*
I couldn’t remember the answer. If you give me the proper adress to that level, i can try it again.
Can you write the username and password for that level please.
and just in case the last two times didn’t work,
(when I say last two times I refer to the fact that I tried to type the password and username two times and my laptop failed on me… technology, it’s the future.)
The answer for that level is “bottle”. I can explain the solution if you want.
nah I’m cool, I just have to struggle through 40 now…
sorry to be bad but can you help with level 40, I read the words above given for the level but I’m not sure what to do with them. If you could help one last time, that would be awesome.
I’m stuck on level 39
I’ve deciphered the note but I’m not sure what to do with the control room
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It’s actually a cool and helpful piece of info. I am glad that you just shared this useful information with us. Please stay us informed like this. Thank you for sharing.
Please help with 36 and 37!! no hints given??
Where do i write all the answers? Im on LVL 38 i just dont know where to put the answer
i discovered elevator and dictionary at level 40 but i can find the other, where is it?
what is the code for lvl. 39
I Have all files and i had draw a map, im confused about the BIG window i resized it but nothing happend so what’s resizing here… and please tell me about SQUID.DUKES !!!! lol i cant understand anything ((first time )) lol thnx for help…
kaankanat could you tell me tell me the username and password for 41
i know the user and pass for 45