March 2008 on Opereysin

You know, Opereysin English was quite for some time, and we publish an average of 4.7 posts a week on So we thought that describing these Turkish posts briefly may be handy, because some of them translated from English. We mentioned the original sources of posts translated from English.
Let’s see what we have for March 2008:
1st March: An interview with Ed Jones, one of the most active producers of CG industry. [link]
2nd March: An interesting story of a lack of website security translated from here. The original story was one of the most voted Digg posts at it’s publication date. [link]
3rd March: Seyyah-i Fakir wrote “Natural soap in industrial age”. [link]
5th March: Ten tips of learning faster by victory. He said “Eat properly, repeat, take notes, play roles, focus on initials, be aware of important sentences, avoid of drugs,don’t bother, don’t test yourself at the very end of your study and sleep well.” in short. [link]
6th March: NASA’s HIRISE telescope acquired a photo of earth and moon. You can see it here. [link]
8th March: Hijacker showed us a cute game named Maze Frenzy. He also mentioned that he translated “Frenzy” as “Delilik” into Turkish, but he didn’t really liked it much. OMd, one of our members, said that “Çılgınlık” may be a better translation. [link]
10th March: Victory wrote the biography of Jules Verne. [link]
11th March: Hijacker showed a Reflex test. [link]
13th March: Opereysin published a cartoon about perception of terrorism. [link]
15th March: A research of University of California shows that daylight saving time (DST) is not useful. In fact, it may be a waste of 8.6 million dollars (in Indiana). [link]
17th March: A post about Code Highlighting. Not including the coding details, just listing some of the most useful code highlighting plugins. Translated from Stylized Web’s Syntax Highlighter. [link]
18th March: Synchronizing Google Calender and Outlook using Google Calender Sync. [link]
19th March: Second part of “Faili Meçhul” story series. [link]
20th March: Opereysin described how to mute a conversation on Gmail. [link]
23rd March: A stress test by victory. [link]
25th March: Victory wrote “The design guide of Google”, a list of rules mentioned at WritersUA conference. [link]
26th March: A post of fkilic titled “If my Grandma had seen…”, about his sentiments after experiencing “doctor” leechs of a bazaar in Eminonu, Istanbul. [link]
29th March: A translation of “10 Things Smaller Than The Wilkins Ice Shelf” from EnviroWonk. [link]
30th March: Victory wrote three rules of “Being Happy” and described how to redound self-confidence. [link]
31st March: Hijacker showed beautiful photos taken at Masai Mara by Nick Brandt. Masai Mara is a large park reserve in Kenya. [link]