How I Work:
Sara Soueidan

Sara is a Lebanese freelance front-end web developer, writer and speaker, focusing on HTML5, SVG, CSS and JavaScript. She is mostly known on the web for her outstanding articles on SVG and cutting-edge CSS features. Sara is the author of the Codrops CSS Reference and co-author of the newly published Smashing Book #5. She has been nominated for the net Awards under two categories: Developer of the Year and Outstanding Contribution. Here is how she works…
1. Where did you graduate? What is your current job title?
I graduated from the Lebanese University, Faculty Of Sciences in Beirut, with a B.S. Degree in Computer Sciences. I am currently a self-employed front-end web developer, writer and speaker.
2. What apps and software you use most passionately? Why?
Apps I use the most are my code editor and browser(s), namely Sublime Text and Chrome—it is my dev browser of choice. I test on other browsers, of course, too. I love Sublime because of its flexibility and long list of available plugins that allows me to customize it to my needs and turn it into a dev power tool.
I also use the Github app for Mac almost every day, and, occasionally, Codekit (great for quickly starting new simple projects). I’m not a designer so I don’t use many design tools but I do use Sketch and Adobe Illustrator sparingly for some SVG work. Sketch is focused on UI design while Ai is more powerful and comes with a set of nice SVG export options as well. Plus, to be quite honest, many SVG resources online are only available as Ai files, so I use Ai to open and edit such files as well.
3. Do you prefer a tidy environment or a messy one? How do you organize your home and work desks? Any souvenirs? (Small toys, cards etc.)
Definitely tidy. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, so there is a part artist in me which tends to turn my desk into an [artistic] mess sometimes, but I usually tidy it up before the end of the day, every day.
My desk only has my laptop and work tools (mouse, microphone, mobile, etc.), a mug and some dev books on it. I don’t like it cluttered. I do, however, have my IE developer toolkit on it too, as well as my Web Platform award, for inspiration.
4. What is your current mobile device, computer setup, and OS? Why?
I used to be a Windows user until I switched to OS X at the end of 2014, so my primary work machine today is a 15” Macbook Pro. I do prefer OS X over Windows for work—I feel much more productive with the wide range of apps available for OS X, and, to be honest, OS X is far more intuitive to use than Windows, in my opinion. This is subjective, though, so don’t take my word for it.
I have both an Android and iOS mobile device—a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and an iPhone 6. I don’t like owning more than one machine or mobile device, but I keep the Note for testing purposes (I also love the S Pen for taking screenshots!), but the iPhone is my primary mobile device. I found iOS more intuitive and simpler than Android; but then again, that is also subjective.
5. Are you a gamer? If so, which games do you play on mobile / computer/gaming devices?
Not a gamer, no. I played games as a kid, for sure. The only game I played as a teenager was Tomb Raider, and that was also the last one I played. I don’t have a single game installed on my laptop or mobile device.
6. Is there any device you can’t live without, besides your cellphone and computer?
A pen! Not sure if it counts as a “device”, but I’ve never been able to go anywhere without a pen in my bag. Other than that, I try not to be dependent on electronic devices, so I prefer and choose old-fashioned tools any day (pen and paper, printed paper books, etc.).
7. What sports or daily activities do you do better than most people?
The “better than most people” part is a tough filter to apply. As I mentioned before, I used to draw a lot. I don’t judge my own work so I’ll leave that to you to do. You can check my drawings out on my [very old] DeviantArt account here.
8. Are you an introvert, or an extravert?
I’m 90:10 of an introvert:extrovert. I use the 10% extroversion when I travel for conferencing, but I definitely need my solitude and “recharge” time, especially at night time, that’s why I don’t usually go out or do any outdoor activities after sunset.
9. What time do you sleep and how long on average?
That’s a hard question. I don’t have a regular sleeping pattern—which is definitely something I’m not happy about. I need nine hours of sleep to be fully energized during the day, but I usually get somewhere between six and nine hours. I don’t have a specific sleeping time but it’s rarely ever after midnight.
10. Tea or coffee? To keep you awake or as a pleasure? (Turks are in love with tea. So this is a hard comparison for us.)
Tea! Tea and coffee are both common in Lebanon, but I prefer tea. I’ve never even tasted coffee. Ever. I do drink a lot of tea, but only green tea, not black. I’m also picky about the green tea I drink and prefer fruit-flavored ones. My fave flavor is strawberry and mango (the combination) green tea by Twinnings, in case you’re wondering. I drink it for its health benefits and, of course, delicious fruity flavors.
11. Is there anything else you’d like to add that might be interesting to our readers?
I’m a bird person, not very fond of cats. I think this explains the “no activity after sunset” part since birds tend to be inactive after sunset too? 🙂 Other than that, people sometimes seem interested when I tell them stuff about our traditions and culture, so here is one: I don’t shake hands with men; this comes as part of wearing a Hijab. Other than that, I’m just an old-fashioned, non-gaming, tea-drinking web developer. 🙂