Türkçe: Hakkımızda.
Opereyşın founded by İsmail Sarbay, and İbrahim Sarbay in August 2005, in the beautiful Turkish city Istanbul. It offers high quality original content, both educational and entartaining. Opereyşın is the first Turkish blog which guarantees child-safe content, and has content available in Turkish, English, and Arabic.
Today, we have a team of 25 highly educated young people who have published more than 2.000 posts, and we are one of the most respected blogs in our field.
You can view our CrunchBase profile here.
Why Opereyşın?
Finding high quality original content online is a pain, especially in Turkish. We realized that insufficiency, and wanted to fill this gap.
Our Translation Team finds the best content online, and translates them into Turkish. Authors Team brings readers their perspectives on what they love, and what they make. The result is a perfect mixture, a delightful dessert, which we call Opereyşın.
Opereyşın. What does it mean?
Opereyşın, is the Turkish pronunciation of operation (\ˌä-pə-ˈrā-shən\). It sounds really similar to the British English pronunciation of this word.
May I contribute?
Yes, please. We would love to hear from you, if you want to be a part of Opereyşın English. Please contact us at: