Using Hand to Estimate the Portion

When you decide to go on a diet, you look every piece and slice of food as a calory source. And you may search on internet how much calory it provides. But usually calorie values are written for spesific measures like a cup of coffee, a bowl of tomato soap, a teaspoon of honey etc. Well… What size is a bowl or cup? After all there are various sizes for those things.
In this post we’ll show you how to use your hand in order to estimate how much you eat in “calory terms”:
1 cup = your fist
1 ounce = the meaty part of your thumb
1 tablespoon = your thumb, minus the meaty part
1 teaspoon = the tip of your index finger
1 inch = the middle section of your index finger
1-2 ounces of a food like nuts or pretzels = your cupped hand
3 ounces of meat, fish, or poultry = the palm of your hand
Again, these values represent estimated measures. Their accuracy will vary just like the size of hands.