alexa_address = $alexa_address; $this->xml = $this->get_data($domain); $this->set(); } /* gets the xml data from Alexa */ function get_data($domain) { $url = $this->alexa_address.'http://'.$domain; $xml = file_get_contents($url); return $xml; } /* set values in the XML that we want */ function set() { $this->values['rank'] = (preg_match('/POPULARITY URL="[a-z0-9\\-\\.\\/]{1,}" TEXT="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0); $this->values['reach'] = (preg_match('/REACH RANK="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0); $this->values['linksin'] = (preg_match('/LINKSIN NUM="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0); $this->values['hiz'] = (preg_match('/SPEED TEXT="([0-9]{1,12})"/',$this->xml,$regs) ? number_format($regs[1]) : 0); } /* returns the requested value */ function get($value) { return (isset($this->values[$value]) ? $this->values[$value] : '"'.$value.'" does not exist.'); } } $domain = ""; $alexa_connector = new alexa('',$domain); echo $domain.'\'un Alexa sırası: '.$alexa_connector->get('rank') ."
"; echo $domain.'\'un Alexa\'ya göre bağlantılı olduğu site sayısı: '.$alexa_connector->get('linksin') ."
"; echo $domain.'\'un Alexa\'ya göre erişim hızı: '.$alexa_connector->get('hiz') ." saniye
"; ?>
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